Management Of Mild Persistent Asthma Family Medicine


  • Diah Balqis Universitas Lampung
  • TA. Larasati



asthma, dust, family medicine service


According to GINA (Global Initiative for Asthma) in 2011, there were an estimated 300 million peoples suffering from asthma worldwide. There are around 250,000 deaths caused by asthma attacks each year, with the highest number in low-moderate economies. The prevalence of asthma continues to increase especially in developing countries due to lifestyle changes and increased air pollution. It is very important to prevent individuals with asthma predisposition to develop asthma and prevent asthma patients from having an asthma attack. A 52-year-old woman has an asthma attack. Holistic diagnostic patient on personal aspect found that complaints of hard to breathe more often arise and aggravate, and worried about not being able to perform daily activities such as before illness. Clinical aspect, patients experience mild persistent asthma (ICD X: J45,901). Aspect of internal risk of patient there is still a lack of knowledge. The external risk aspect in patient is that there is a large amount of dust that can trigger asthma in patient. Pharmacological intervention has been done for asthma attacks in patient and non-pharmacology in the form of education in preventing asthma attacks in patient. Interventions given to patient have been carried out holistically and comprehensively. There have been changes in the behavior of patient and families that make asthma in patient become more controlled.

Author Biography

TA. Larasati




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How to Cite

Balqis, D., & Larasati, T. (2022). Management Of Mild Persistent Asthma Family Medicine. Medical Profession Journal of Lampung, 12(1), 79-87.


