Sebuah Laporan Kasus Severe Preeclampsia With HELLP Syndrome and IUFD


  • Dina Amalia Kusmardika Universitas Lampung
  • Ratna Dewi Puspitasari



Preeklampsia, Sindrom HELLP, Hipertensi kehamilan


Preeclampsia is a syndrome in pregnancies that can affect physiological disorders in other organs. Preeclampsia is one of the risk factors for maternal disease that can cause complications in infants in the form of premature birth, fetal distress, low birth weight and IUFD.  Mrs. O, 32 years old G3P1A1 27 weeks pregnant comes with complaints of high blood pressure and headache that has been felt since 1 week before being admitted to the hospital, the patient admitted that since the last 2 weeks he felt that his body was swollen, a few days after that the mother complained that he often felt pain in the gut and there is blurred vision, the patient also takes pregnancy control to the midwife and it is found that the mother has high blood pressure. On physical examination found a BP 185/90, and anasarca edema. Obstetric examination found 20 cm TFU, head presentation, left back, FHR 0x / minute. On investigation found a platelet value of 70,000, LDH 1,222 urea 49, creatinine 1.63, SGOT 58, SGPT 47. Patient diagnosed by  G3P1A1 27 weeks pregnant with severe preeclampsia (PEB) + HELLP syndrome of single fetal death head presentation, pregnancy termination is selected

Author Biographies

Dina Amalia Kusmardika, Universitas Lampung



Ratna Dewi Puspitasari




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How to Cite

Kusmardika, D. A., & Puspitasari, R. D. (2022). Sebuah Laporan Kasus Severe Preeclampsia With HELLP Syndrome and IUFD. Medical Profession Journal of Lampung, 12(1), 113-117.




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