Characteristics Of Liver Function In Children With HIV/AIDS Based On Antiretrovirals Ages Initiation At Abdul Moeloek Hospital
Liver Function, Hepatotoxicity, HIV, SGOT, SGPTAbstract
Human Immunodefeciency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is one of the serious problems in the world and In Indonesia it self. Children with HIV/AIDS will be treated with antiretroviral drugs. But it can cause some adverse effect, one of them is hepatotoxicity or impaired liver function. Hepatotoxicity or impaired liver function can be assess with measure SGOT and SGPT levels, so that the routine checking of SGOT and SGPT levels is very important. The purpouse of this study is to descript the characteristics of liver function in children with HIV/AIDS based on ages begin retailing antiretroviral. This study was conducted using observational descriptive methods with cross sectional approach. The sample of this study is children with HIV/AIDS with minimun long therapy for six mounth. SGOT and SGPT levels will be measured directly in Abdul Moeloek Hospital laboratory. Then, data were entered to statistic aplication used to analyze the characteristics of SGOT and SGPT levels based on ages retailing antiretroviral therapy. The results of the study with univariate analysis showed that the median, minimum and maximum values of SGOT levels were 35 U / L, 24 U / L and 131 U / L. While the median, minimum and maximum values of SGPT are 19.5 U / L, 14 U / L, and 217 U / L. The median, minimum and maximum values of the SGOT levels are 35 U / L, 24 U / L and 131 U / L. Whereas the median, minimum and maximum values of the SGPT rates are 19.5 U / L, 14 U / L, and 217 U / L.
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