The The Effects Of Carbonated Soft Drink Consumption On Kidney Histopathology Changes In Male Rats (Rattus noervegicus) Sprague dawley Strain


  • Hanifah Choirunnisa Universitas Lampung
  • Waluyo Rudiyanto universitas lampung
  • sutarto sutarto universitas lampung



carbonated soft drinks, kidney, histopathological changes


Carbonated soft drinks are beverages contain of carbon dioxide and other ingredients such as high fructose syrup (HFS). Excessive consumption of HFS causes various health problems involving multiple organs including the kidneys. The aim to this research is to determine the effects of carbonated soft drinks on kidney histopathological changes in rats. This research is a post test only control group experimental study using 24 male rats (Rattus norvegicus) Sprague dawley strain which divided into 4 groups, there are the control group (K) allowed to drink aquades ad libitum, P1 is given carbonated soft drinks 3 ml/day, P2 6 ml/day, and P3 12 ml/day for 30 days. The average of renal histopathological damage in group K:1.07, P1:4.53, P2:5.13, and P3:6.10. Data were tested with Shapiro-Wilk, followed b yhomogeneity test and One Way ANOVA test result in p=0,000 (p<0.05). The results of Post Hoc LSD analysis are p<0.05 between groups K with P1, P2, and P3 (p=0.000), P1 with P2 (p=0.023), and P1 with P3 (p=0.001). There is an effect of carbonated soft drinks on kidney histopathological changes of male rats (Rattus norvegicus) Sprague dawley strain


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How to Cite

Choirunnisa, H., Rudiyanto, W., & sutarto, sutarto. (2023). The The Effects Of Carbonated Soft Drink Consumption On Kidney Histopathology Changes In Male Rats (Rattus noervegicus) Sprague dawley Strain. Medical Profession Journal of Lampung, 13(2), 58-67.




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