Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip


  • Pinkan Ahdalifa student
  • Helmi Ismunandar Universitas Lampung
  • Rani Himayani Universitas Lampung



Hip Dysplasia


Developmental dysplasia of the hip is an anatomical abnormality between the femoral caput and acetabulum that occurs congenitally or during infancy and/or childhood. Although risk factors have been determined, the etiology and physiopathology are still not known with certainty. Neonatal screening by conducting anamnesis, physical examination and examination is carried out to establish the diagnosis of DDH. physical examination in the form of Barlow, Ortolani, and Galeazzi (Allis) maneuvers for less than 3 months of age. Physical examination at the age of >1 years with trendelenburg gait. Supporting examination can be done by radiographing the position of AP pelvis at the age of 4-6 months. Measurement for hip dysplasia via acetabulum index. Diagnosis at the first age of life is very important because it allows a normal hip to form and prevents the appearance of further complications. DDH management principles to provide an optimal environment for the growth of femoral and acetabulum caput. Possible treatments include the installation of Pavlik harnesses, Von Rosen splints, Lausanne-developed abduction braces, Ilfeld orthosis, and Frejka pillows for pelvic abduction, closed reduction, and open reduction assistance.  Knowledge of orthopedic and surgical options is essential to achieve success in treatment.


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How to Cite

Ahdalifa, P., Ismunandar, H., & Himayani, R. (2023). Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip. Medical Profession Journal of Lampung, 13(7), 1175-1179.




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