Potential Drug Interaction in Patients with Schizophrenia
Antipsikotik, Interaksi Obat, Lexicomp, SkizofreniaAbstract
In the treatment of schizophrenia, antipsychotics as the main therapy are generally combined with additional therapy. Combination therapy has a risk of drug interactions. The aim of the study was to describe the potential factors that influence drug interactions. The study was conducted using observational quantitative analytic methods with a retrospective cross-sectional approach. The sample was selected by total sampling method in the medical records of inpatients at the Lampung Mental Hospital from January-December 2022. The Lexicomp software was used to identify potential drug interactions. In the 265 samples, 344 treatment profiles were obtained with a total of 1349 drugs used. Then, 1786 potential drug interactions were classified as level of risk A (0%), B (0.8%), C (80.2%), D (19%), and X (0%). There was a significant relationship between gender, length of stay, and number of drugs (p<0.05) on potential drug interaction level D (major). Multivariate analysis showed the number of drugs had the strongest relationship (p=0.000 OR=8.233) to potential drug interactions. There was a significant relationship between gender, length of stay, and number of drugs with potential drug interactions level D. The number of drugs had the strongest with potential drug interactions.
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