Scabies in Female Teenager With Poor Personal Hygiene
Poor Personal Hygiene, permetrin, sarcoptes scabiei, scabiesAbstract
Scabies or other name is scabies is a skin disease caused by infestation and sensitization of Sarcoptes Scabiei hominis variants and their eggs. Scabies is transmitted through direct contact (skin contact with skin) and indirectly (through objects). The most dominant factor in the spread of scabies is low socio-economic and poor hygiene. A patient Ms. E (14th) comes with complaints of itching starting from between the fingers of the right hand and the left hand feels itchy. It gets worse at night and when sweating since 1 week ago. This itchiness is accompanied by round reddish spots. In the human area sinistra et dextra and the femoral region, cruris, and pedis sinistra et dextra there are erythematous macules, well-defined, multiple numbers, irregular shapes, billion-lenticular size, regional distribution. There are papules, indefinitely bounded, multiple numbers, rounded shapes, billionth size, regional distribution. Excoriated, grayish-white kunikulus in the region of the digital manus sinistra et dextra. Patient's classmates have similar complaints. Similar complaints are found in female nieces. The patient is the student council president who has a dense activity so the patient sometimes takes only one bath a day and does not immediately change clothes when sweating. Management of family doctors is given in the form of permethrin 5% as much as 1x usage if complaints still exist can be given after 1 week later. The second week is given education. In the third week, patients do not experience complaints anymore and the patient's family has prevented scabies. Holistic management can improve knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in patients. In addition, the role of the family is very important in the care and treatment of sick family members.
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