G2P1A0 30 Weeks Gestation with History of Section Caesaria, Singleton Pregnancy with Breech Presentation Anhidramnios and Intrauterine Growth Restriction: Case Report
Anhidramnion, Intrauterine Growth Restriction, Section CaesareaAbstract
Intrauterine growth restriction is abnormality of fetal growth with estimated fetal weight less than 10th percentile and fetus can not grow as it’s potential genetic and ras. Anhidramnios is abnormality of amnion fluid volume with absence of amnion fluid or AFI ≤ 2 cm. Mrs. FL, a 32 years old woman comes with complaint of her uterus is small than normal and feeling of pain when fetus move. Fetal movement still active, she doesn’t feel any contraction, or feel premature rupture of membrane, or bloody show. Ultrasonography examination shows single fetal intrauterine, breech presentation, BPD 26w6d, AC 28w0d, EFW 1.133 gram, 27w4d, amniotic fluid index 0, anhidramnios. Patient was diagnosed with G2P1A0 30 weeks gestation with history of section caesaria, singleton pregnancy with breech presentation anhidramnios and intrauterine growth restriction. Treatment has given to patient include rehydration with RL, O2 nasal canule 5 lpm, ceftriaxone 1 gram/12 hours, dexamethasone 12 mg/24 hours, and termintation of pregnancy with section caesaria method. Patient and her husband have been educated about contraception and chose IUD after SC. A male neonates born alive with birth weight 1.000gram, body length 42 cm, and Apgar Score 4/6, neonates died after seven days of treatment in the NICU with diagnosis of premature, low birth weight, sepsis and HMD grade I-II.
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