Aspects of Laboratory Examination in Pneumonia Patients
Diagnosis, laboratory examination, pneumoniaAbstract
Pneumonia is one of the lower respiratory tract diseases with the most deaths in the world. Pneumonia is an inflammatory disease of the pulmonary parenchyma caused by microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Pneumonia is classified based on the environment and the way it is obtained, with the most cases being Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). The discovery of pneumonia cases in Indonesia has not met the national target and is still the main problem causing the largest cause of death in toddlers. Thus, the establishment of an immediate diagnosis becomes very important in order to prevent the occurrence of aggravation in pneumonia patients. The diagnosis begins with an anamnesis that contains the patient's disease history, physical examination, and supporting examination. These supporting examinations include laboratory examinations such as routine blood tests, Gram staining and culture on blood specimens and sputum, inflammatory biomarker examinations (Procalcitonin, C-Reactive Protein, and Interleukin-6), blood gas analysis (AGD), and PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) tests. Each of these tests has different values of sensitivity and diagnostic specificity. The selection of laboratory examinations in each health service facility tends to be non-specific, so it needs to be adjusted between its availability while still considering the value of sensitivity and specificity so that the examination is more effective and efficient.
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