Radikulopati Lumbal
Diagnosis, lumbar radiculopathy, pathophysiology, managementAbstract
Lumbar radiculopathy is a group of disorders caused by the compression or irritation of the dorsal ganglia roots, resulting from herniated lumbar discs, degeneration of the vertebral spine, and narrowing of the foramen. Its symptoms include lower back pain radiating into the lower extremities in a dermatomal pattern. Lumbar radiculopathy often poses a significant problem for individuals, affecting their quality of life and limiting their physical function. In recent years, the clinical management of lumbar radiculopathy has become a primary focus in efforts to improve treatment outcomes. International and national research studies and scientific articles have provided valuable insights into the management of lumbar radiculopathy. By characterizing lumbar radiculopathy and understanding its underlying mechanisms, we can provide optimal care. This article review aims to enhance knowledge about the mechanisms that cause pain, the clinical symptoms and signs that may be present in each patient, and the necessary diagnostic examinations. With this knowledge, it is expected that healthcare practitioners can optimize treatment strategies and improve the quality of life for patients suffering from lumbar radiculopathy.
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