34 Year Old Woman with Uterine Rupture Iminens Et Causa History of Two Caesarean Sections: A Case Report
Sectio Caesaria, Uterine rupturedAbstract
Uterine rupture is a serious but rare complication of pregnancy, in which the uterus is torn either during pregnancy or delivery. Uterine rupture can cause death for the mother and the fetus. The prevalence of uterine rupture in developing countries is higher than developed countries, with risk factors such as history of cesarean delivery, obstructed labor, grand multiparas, careless midwifery intervention or manipulation, lack of antenatal care, poor access to emergency obstetric care and low socioeconomic status. Correct diagnosis and treatment of uterine rupture such as hysterectomy, resuscitation with crystalloid fluids and massive blood transfusions, as well as appropriate antibiotic administration can prevent mortality in both mother and fetus. The patient was diagnosed as G4P2A1 pregnant at term in the second stage of labor + suspected CPD (Cephalopelvic disproportion) + BSC (former cesarean section) 2 times + suspected RUI (imminent uterine rupture) + JTH (single live fetus) cephalic presentation. Management of the patient consisted of monitoring the mother's vital signs, fetal heart rate, HIS, 100 mL NaCl + 2 grams of Cefazolin, and preparing for abdominal termination of pregnancy.
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