The Potential of Beetroots (Beta vulgaris L.) as Nephroprotector from Kidney Damage due to Free Radicals
antioxidant, Beta vulgaris L, nephroprotectorAbstract
Every human being is born with a pair of kidneys located retroperitoneal in the body cavity. Kidney is an organ that filters blood and gets rid of the body’s metabolic waste. In addition, kidneys also play an important role in the excretion of drugs from the body, thus making it vulnerable to damage due to drugs and free radicals. in small amounts, free radicals can be converted into a non-toxic compound through the defence mechanism of endogenous antioxidants. However, when exposed to large amounts of free radicals, there will be an imbalance between the antioxidants produced and the antioxidants needed by the body. Overtime, the body will run out of antioxidants and free radicals will accumulate in the body. These free radicals wil form a covalent bond with the cell in the body especially in the proximal convoluted tubules of the kidneys and cause damage to the kidneys. This mechanism is called oxidative stress. Decreased kidney function can be assessed through blood urea and creatinine examination. Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) is a root plant that is generally used as vegetables. Beetroot is one of vegetables with the highest antioxidants content. Several studies have shown that beetroot extract has activity as a nephroprotector due to its abundant exogenous antioxidant contents. The antioxidant that are found in beetroots are flavonoids, betacyanins, betaxantins, ascorbic acidz, and carotenoids.
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