An Overview Of Psychological Condition and Online Learning On Medical Student Of Lampung University’s Medical Faculty During Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Dyah Cahya Prameswari Medical Faculty Lampung University
  • Oktafany Oktafany
  • Novita Carolia
  • Oktadoni Saputra



Covid-19 Pandemic, Medical Students, Online Learning, Psychological Condition, SRQ-20


The Covid-19 pandemic has pushed the government to adapt with online learning policy to break the virus transmission. Using online learning strategy is considered less effective for students because lack of teacher-students’ interactions and skills are acquired. The changing learning system and Covid-19 pandemic conditions forced students to adapt to new learning systems, which can cause psychological problems in students. If it is not detected and treated early, the disorder can persist. This study aims to describe the psychological condition of students in the Faculty of Medicine Lampung University during online learning in Covid-19 pandemic era. This study used quantitative descriptive method with survey approach on 338 selected samples with total sampling technique from 4 active batches students. Data was collected by filling out the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) which developed by WHO and adopted by Indonesian Ministry of Health. The result showed that 56,8% of respondents indicated psychological problems and 43,2% did not indicated psychological problems. The psychological problems consecutively aroused are reduced vital energy symptoms, depression symptoms, anxiety symptoms, cognitive symptoms and somatic symptoms. This study conclude that most of medical students indicated psychological problems during online learning in Covid-19 pandemic era and need attention to be resolved.


Author Biographies

Oktafany Oktafany



Novita Carolia



Oktadoni Saputra




Daftar Pustaka

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How to Cite

Prameswari, D. C., Oktafany, O., Carolia, N., & Saputra, O. (2022). An Overview Of Psychological Condition and Online Learning On Medical Student Of Lampung University’s Medical Faculty During Covid-19 Pandemic . Medical Profession Journal of Lampung, 12(1), 139-145.




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