The Relationship Of Prolanis Participation, Drug Compliance And Nutrition Status To Blood Pressure Control In Hypertension Patients In Kedaton Puskesmas Kota Bandar Lampung
PROLANIS, medication adherence, blood pressure controlAbstract
Background: Hypertension is a risk factor for complications of heart and cerebrovascular disease. The incidence of hypertension is increasing in the world, including Indonesia. In 2017, the prevalence of hypertension in Lampung Province reached 64%. Hypertension is included in the PROLANIS held by BPJS Health to improve the quality of life of sufferers. In addition, there are several other factors that affect blood pressure, such as adherence to medication consumption and nutritional status. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between prolanis participation, medication adherence and nutritional status in hypertensive patients. Methods: The research design was observational quantitative with a cross-sectional approach. The research population was hypertension patients at the Kedaton Public Health Center, a sample of 95 respondents was taken using purposive sampling technique. The independent variables included PROLANIS participation, medication adherence and nutritional status. The dependent variable of the study was blood pressure control. Results: 78% of respondents had controlled blood pressure, 68% participated in PROLANIS activities, 34% were obedient to taking medication, and 75% had more nutritional status. The analysis test showed that there was a relationship between PROLANIS participation (p: 0.04) and medication adherence (p: 0.004), with blood pressure control of hypertensive patients. Meanwhile, nutritional status did not have a significant relationship with blood pressure control of hypertensive patients (p: 0.602). Conclusion: PROLANIS participation and medication adherence were associated with blood pressure control of hypertensive patients at the Kedaton Public Health Center, Bandar Lampung City.
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