The Relationship Between Social Media Addiction And Stress Level Among Medical Student In Lampung University
Social media addiction, stress level, SMD, PSS-10Abstract
Excessive social media use can cause addiction to its users including college students as the most vulnerable group. The excessive use of social media has an influence on stress. This study aims to determine the relationship between social media addiction and stress level among medical students in Lampung University. This study uses a cross sectional approach with stratified random sampling technique. This study was conducted online in December 2020, via the Google Form link, to medical students in Lampung University who are social media users as inclusion criteria. Social media addiction as independent variable measured by Social Media Disorder (SMD) Scale Short Version and stress level as dependent variable measured by Perceived Stress Scale-10 (PSS-10). Data obtained from 255 students were analyzed by Somers'd correlation test. Univariate analysis shows that 70.59% respondents have no social media addiction and 29,41% addicted to social media. 77.65% respondents have a moderate stress, 13,72% severe stress, and 8,63% mild stress. Bivariate analysis obtained r = 0.172, p value 0,003 (p <0.05). There is a very weak level of correlation between social media addiction and stress level on medical student of Lampung University.
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