Review Article: Pharmacological Activity of Waru Plants (Hibiscus tiliaceus)
Activity, Pharmacological, Hibiscus tiliaceusAbstract
Hibiscus tiliaceus or better known as waru plant, is a typical plant in areas with tropical climates. In Indonesia this plant thrives and has been widely used for alternative medicine by the community. The World Health Organization strongly supports the use of traditional medicines if they are proven to be efficacious and safe for health. The parts of the hibiscus plant that are usually used for health and have pharmacological activity are the flowers, young leaves, tree bark and roots. All parts of the plant contain various phytonutrients including alkaloids and phenolics. Hibiscus plants have several pharmacological activities, namely, antioxidant, antibacterial, antityrosinase, have cytotoxic, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antitumor and antidiabetic effects. Therefore, this article aims to explain the studies or research that has been carried out regarding the pharmacological activity of waru plants (Hibiscus tiliaceus). Literature searches were carried out using Pubmed, Google Scholar, science direct and Mendeley electronic databases. The inclusion criteria in writing this literature review are articles in Indonesian and English with a range of article publications in the last 10 years (2013-2022). Research articles that cannot be accessed completely will be excluded. Overall, the studies found and analyzed explained various pharmacological activities of hibiscus plants which were carried out experimentally on experimental animals. It is hoped that this is one of the first steps that can serve as a springboard for future research on the biology and pharmacological activity of waru (Hibiscus tiliaceus) plants.
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