

  • syalwa meutia Universitas Lampung
  • Helmi Ismunandar Universitas Lampung
  • Risal Wintoko Universitas Lampung
  • Exsa Hadibrata Universitas Lampung
  • Anisa Nuraisa Djausal Universitas Lampung


Urticaria, Acute, Chronic


Urticaria is a vascular reaction to the skin, other names for this disease are hives, hives, hives and nettle rash. Urticaria consists of various conditions characterized by the appearance of edema (swelling) that appears suddenly and disappears slowly, is reddish in color and looks pale, rises on the surface of the skin and feels itchy. The classification of urticaria based on duration is divided into two, namely acute urticaria and chronic urticaria, acute urticaria has a duration of less than 6 weeks while chronic urticaria has a duration of more than 6 weeks. Urticaria also appears due to increased capillary permeability and vasodilation which results in local fluid transudation which is clinically visible local edema (swelling) accompanied by erythema, urticaria has several risk factors, namely a history of allergies, personal and family history of atopy, a history of physical trauma to activities, history of insect bites or stings, taking drugs such as NSAIDs, laxatives, hormones, injections, immunizations, diuretics, antibiotics most commonly penicillin, and so on, consuming foods such as nuts, fish, shrimp, eggs and so on, collagen and autoimmune diseases, history of investment and parasitic infection, for a mean age of 35 years, and a history of trauma to physical factors, namely radiation, UV rays, sunlight, heat and cold. To make a diagnosis of urticaria, a history, physical examination and routine diagnostic tests should be performed. 


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How to Cite

syalwa meutia, Ismunandar, H. ., Wintoko, R. ., Hadibrata, E. ., & Djausal, A. N. . (2023). Urticaria. Medical Profession Journal of Lampung, 13(4.1), 219-223. Retrieved from http://journalofmedula.com/index.php/medula/article/view/337

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